Exercises for having your cake & eating it too

Before I get started, you need to know that this isn’t a post about which exercises you can do to burn off all the cake you ate last weekend. It’s WAY deeper than that. It’s about one of the things that could be holding you back from getting the body, career, relationship, and life you really want.

It’s about having what you want with NO limitations.

This is something I’ve been thinking about for a while now, but I was inspired to talk to you about this after I read an article on this same topic recently.

I’m writing to you from sunny L.A. I’ll be spending the next 10 days in a cute little house a few blocks from Venice Beach with one of my best friends. This is something I’ve wanted to do for YEARS, but never got around to it until now. I’m almost 40 years old.

I’m on a vacation where I can do the work I love, visit friends, meet new people, cook healthy meals, workout on the beach, and just CHILL OUT.

One of the reasons I held myself back for so long is because I didn’t think I could have my cake and eat it too.

I didn’t fully believe that I could make a living doing something I love while traveling the world, having a good time AND still be considered a responsible adult. It seemed too good to be true because I couldn’t figure out HOW to do it.

I know I’m not alone in this. So many of my family, friends, and clients believe that it’s just not possible for them to have some of the things they really want AT THE SAME TIME. As a result, they just push their dreams to the back burner.

Here are some things that may be whispering into your own ears everyday :

  • I can’t workout consistently AND be an attentive mother to my kids.
  • I can’t get in shape AND eat foods that make me happy.
  • I can’t make a lot of money AND have a career/job/business that I LOVE.
  • I can’t be my true self AND attract the partner of my dreams.

These statements are complete B.S. In each of these scenarios, you are actively choosing to banish yourself to the land of either/or…you think you can have one, but definitely NOT the other.

Imagine the possibilities if you started to take some trips to the land of BOTH AND MORE.

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WHAT??? I can have my cake…and EAT IT TOO??

Oh yes, honey! But first there’s some work you MUST do. These are things I've done and still do everyday:

  1. Shift your mindset: The body and life of your dreams is all in your head. When you challenge old beliefs and change the way you think, a whole new world opens up for you.
  2. Give yourself permission: You absolutely deserve to have what you want…NOT just what you SHOULD want. Allow yourself to be open to receive what you truly desire. You’ve gotta go DEEP here.
  3. Look around you: Do you see any of your friends, family, or colleagues who are having their cake and enjoying the sweetness too? If not, I encourage you to actively seek out people who are living their lives in the land of BOTH AND MORE. The more you see it, the more inclined you are to believe it’s possible for you too.
  4. Practice: Take a piece of paper or write in your journal a list of how you can have a big hunk of cake and eat it too. It’s easy…just remove the “can’t” from the sentences above and add a big-ass CAN. Read these sentences EVERY DAY.

Let’s get real honest here: living a half-assed life sucks. The good thing is that you have a choice to take action right now.

I really hope you decide to start packing your bags to come with me over to the land of BOTH AND MORE. We have PLENTY of cake over here.