
Memorial Day Weekend "Plyos in the Park" Workout

Mondays are always my 'plyo' days and a holiday is no exception.  Since my gym was closed, I decided to take my plyometrics workout to a nice, shady area in a park on the banks of the Schuylkill River in Philly.  If you've done plyos before, you know they can be difficult but effective.  If you haven't, start off slow and always use good form. After a 15 minute jog to the park and 5 minutes of dynamic stretches, here's the workout I did today:

5 rounds of the following 6 exercises with 1 to 1:30 rest in between each set:

jump squats x 15 jump lunges x 10/leg speed skaters x 10/leg burpees x 10 180s x 10 pogos x 20

After all 5 rounds were completed,  I finished it off with 50 mountain climbers, 10 star jumps x 3 sets, 10 tuck jumps x 3 sets.

It took me about 30 minutes, but I took more breaks than I anticipated! LOL!

I cooled down with a 15-minute walk/jog back home and 10 minutes of stretching.  Needless to say, my legs are still on fire.
